





Prima facie it appeared to be a pre-planned abduction,” the DCP said.A motorcycle batteries student was abducted outside a Gurgaon college by four persons Monday morning, but was freed within hours after the shocking incident was captured by CCTV cameras. The incident occurred outside the Dronacharya Government College (DSD) here.“The accused were known to girl,” he said.The CCTV footage showed the girl screaming and pounding the open car door of the white Maruti Swift Dzire with her feet, drawing attention of passersby. She might be about 19 years of age and was wearing a red salwar and yellow dupatta,” he said.“The woman shouted for help and I ran after the car.“As soon the victim came across the wall, the accused dragged her in a white Swift Dzire car and fled from the spot. I followed the car till sector 4-7.“The number of the car could not be seen as the plates were covered in mud and gravel,” he said.Meanwhile, an eyewitness said that he followed the car to some distance.After talking to her for a few minutes, he forced her into the car in which three of his associates were waiting. The car either went to sector 4-7 or Pataudi Road.
If you are a commuter looking an Uber-shared car, the usual cab-booking process will enlist the cars going through the way. Uber launched its new initiative uberCOMMUTE for the city that lets drivers of private cars share their ride with other commuters headed in the same direction. Car owners can accept or ignore the requests.Commuting alone in your car to work every day Now you can turn your car into an Uber-pooled-vehicle and ride with fellow commuters headed in the same direction.Hospitals are filling up with people severely sickened by the air, suffering from terrible lung ailments, heart problems and even cancer. The experiment to cut vehicular emission began on the first day of the year and these 10 days have gone amazingly well. Or to get that dodgy, stick-on number-plate for alternate days. Without public awareness about air pollution and public engagement in attempts to reduce it Delhi will remain a silent deathtrap, a busy hub of poisonous air.
Boy with even number-plate seeks bride with odd number-plate — religion, caste no bar. And Gopal Rai, Delhi’s transport minister, has made it clear that the experiment will not go beyond January 15.Delhi’s odd-even traffic experiment — a pilot project to ration road access — is expected to bring down the air pollution levels in the capital.So there is no doubt that the capital needs to clean up its air. Boy with even number-plate seeks bride with odd number-plate — religion, caste no bar. So relieved, that even autorickshaws, notorious for overcharging and arbitrary demands, are happily going by the meter. Mr Kejriwal was interested in clearing the roads in such a dramatically obvious manner that other cities would be spurred to action, allowing him to regain the moral capital which keeps the AAP up and running, and whose level has been falling lately. And even a drastic step like not using your car every other day is acceptable to the public simply because if you are forced to use public transport or form a car pool to get around on alternate days you decisively cut down on car smoke and dust.”



No Name Ninja